  1. Garden
  2. Parking
  3. Garage
  4. Balcony
  5. Pets
  6. Flooring
  7. Bills included
  8. En suite
  9. Rural
  10. Student

A place to work from home

With the surge in the number of people who are working from home due to the Covid crisis and the likelihood that many will continue to do so post-pandemic, it appears that people are now re-evaluating what they want from their home. Outdoor space is now more important than ever and, it seems, the more rural the better.

North Stoneham Park is set on a former deer park with acres and acres of beautiful green open space, woodland walks, ponds and swales and rich ecological habitats. We have many happy tenants at the Park and all are making the most of this glorious community setting.

If you’re a landlord or thinking of making an investment property purchase, you could really optimise your chances of hitting a prospective tenants’ keyword search by buying here. Why not take a virtual fly-though of some of our most popular house types on our Gallery pages, then get in touch to arrange to view safely.